Will CEO’s ever earn enough? “Never,” shares the founder of Get Looped, Chris Lautenslager. “Not when CEO’s compensation at public companies have an unlimited upside and are protected with golden parachutes if they fail. It’s beyond frustrating that senior management proactively shared the credit or the rewards with the employees, vendors, and community that propelled a company’s success.” We all know that something needs to change.
As the world’s leading advocate for small and medium businesses, Lautenslager is no novice when it comes to functioning in the heart of the financial world.
With a career spanning over 40 years working for some of the world’s most prominent financial institutions, his field of expertise only further widened his perspective on how easily “business practices can propel or crush a company’s potential for success.”
“The pandemic was the final straw,” says Lautenslager. “How insulting it’s been for millions of small businesses who were shut down indiscriminately overnight because they were deemed ‘non-essential.’ They were thrown overboard to sink or swim because they didn’t have a voice at the table in Washington.”
However, in today’s ever-changing world, more leaders are demonstrating how they can shape and operate their organizations, reflecting the demands of a society calling for massive cultural shifts. People want purpose, equality, transparency, and integrity to be a part of their everyday lives, including at work.
Now, thanks to small business owners and participants, employees and their families are being prioritized and supported over solely filling shareholder pockets. How? Because small business owners are making their workers their greatest asset, not some line item expense. This shift creates extraordinarily positive ripple effects that continue to pass through even more individuals, families, and communities.”
To change the perspective of how we can maximize value by redefining the way we look at and operate within the context of capitalism. “I don’t want to eliminate capitalism”, Lautenslager states, “but we need to address the abuse and manipulations that are currently driving it.” To usher in those changes Chris launched Get Looped – a platform showcasing how business entrepreneurs and CEOs can incorporate prosperity in collaboration with profitability into their business practices.
“I believe that through the collective ingenuity and power of millions of entrepreneurs, capitalism can be transformed to benefit society over the accumulators of massive, unheralded levels of wealth,” shares Lautenslager.
“We can create a culture whereby companies focused on profitably servicing others will be more impactful, desirable, and prestigious than public companies, which primarily benefit shareholders and senior management.”
It’s clear that there is a vast monumental event taking place right before our eyes and it will affect all our futures in one way or another. The change is going to be considerable.
Written to serve those struggling in a post-pandemic world, learn how to pack a powerful punch in your business by following Lautenslager’s six principles to building a more prosperous company, life, and community.
His best-selling book, The Prosperity Loop, contains a proven formula for redefining how wealth and success are shared in American organizations and society with the ultimate objective of increasing the collective prosperity of all Americans.
“My book was simply an introduction to the principles that small businesses can use to succeed. It’s creating purpose. It’s taking care of your employees. It’s investing in your team and how it impacts not only your organization, your community but yourself,” shares Chris Lautenslager.
With The Prosperity Loop by your side, you can learn to create a positive environment in which everyone feels part of the team and benefits from your business.
When you put the six pillars in place, you not only improve communication and build better relationships but also enjoy your business and how it contributes to a better world.
“So, if you want a good job that’s going to give you a sense of belonging, a sense of purpose, a sense of future, a sense of being able to have a future, go to work for a dynamic, small business,” shares Lautenslager. “If you take care of them, they’ll take care of you because I guarantee you a large public company doesn’t love you.”
Visit the Get Looped website here to learn more about the benefits of working at small, private companies. Or snag a copy of Chris Lautenslager’s best-selling book here.